It's a patio meeting between two unlikely friends
Saved from the sun at an umbrella table.
Beauty becomes her but she doesn't even know it
Too consumed chasing the looks
She incessantly applies protection from the very sun she is hidden from
Lipstick check and constant mirror glances
Keep her in line with all her nervous apprehensions
They won't stay friends for long
Outside secular Beauty seems to chase away all the good souls with love inside and scars on the outside
Someday she will sit alone in the city catching the days last chapter, watching the sky above the skyline turn into a rainbow of reds.....only to miss the sunset
Wondering where her life went spent in an endless search for meaning and reason at the close of another shitty day
And worse yet the end of a season
It's her that changed not you
She's not coming back anytime soon
Maybe not ever
And all the chapters she missed while looking in the mirror can't be rewritten
They won't be relived or even remembered
She was vainly consumed with her vanity And she can no longer hold on to that
The lines spread like cold cement cracks and the grays invade faster than the color that hides them
Beauty was all she invested in and now that's gone.
She's not sure if she ax hold on
God only knows of she will